Despite keeping their relationship out of the limelight, the couple had been together for 60 years before his death.
Discover the inspiring story of Dr. Vivien Thomas, a pioneering African-American surgical technician who transformed heart surgery and overcame racism in the medical field.
Heading into the 2025 season, the Louisville Bats will have a new logo that draws on the history of the franchise and the legacy of where they play - Louisville ...
The NBA logo is synonymous with sporting excellence, representing the enduring strength and discipline of the sport, but ...
The NBA logo is synonymous with sporting excellence, representing the enduring strength and discipline of the sport, but ...
The picture (and actions) demonstrating the activism of the track stars at the 1968 Olympics cost them everything and gave me ...
Honoring the WTA's history, the brand now redefines the WTA's mission in order to shape its future. With the call to Rally ...
The governing body of women's tennis has a new logo, but its future in women's sports will not be defined by color schemes.
The Pegasus, stretching 40-feet long, 30-feet high and bathed in red light at night, served as a beacon and a message to all who approached they had reached Dallas. The symbol of a city was born. Over ...
The Tampa Bay Times e-Newspaper is a digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week that is available to read on ...
A perfect window to take stock of all the terrible decisions you’ve made in the past and the many horrors that still lie ahead. Considered one of the finest ballet dancers of his generation ...
A self-pollinating nonpareil could mean less need for bees and greater production for the most popular variety of nut.