Broadband stakeholders in Pine County have confidence that a fully connected future is in store for businesses and residents, ...
Several local businesses use their skills to help improve the lives of strays and increase the odds of finding them a forever ...
Don’t miss “The Possibilities Ensemble” concert at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 16. It is presented by Agate Encores Communities ...
The next Kettle River city council meeting is 7 p.m, Tuesday, Feb. 11 at the Kettle river senior center. Plan to attend these meetings so you can stay informed of ...
As I’m sure many have heard, the Governor has released both his bonding and budget proposals for Minnesota. Though I don’t want to be negative, given the state of our ...
Last December Governor Tim Walz was attacked publicly by our Representative in the U.S. Congress for condoning a legal, peaceful display at the Minnesota State Capitol by a group calling themselves ...
Pat Kraetzner has a hard time understanding why out of the roughly 30,000 people who live in Pine County, it’s so difficult to find people willing to volunteer with Pine ...
Across the dirt road is the woodlot of straight juvenile poplar broken up by the occasional birch and cut across by leaning dead and downed trunks. Alongside lot and kitty-corner ...
Last week’s Moose Lake Star Gazette reported a phone call offer to a Moose Lake School board member by Mr. Bill Peel, the current shared superintendent between Barnum and Willow River school districts ...
Answer: If your windshield wipers suddenly fail in heavy rain or snow, slow down and activate your hazard warning lights. Do not brake suddenly if other vehicles are behind you. Pull off the road and ...
Hope is on the horizon for local strays and other animals needing a home. Carlton County Animal Rescue has had a goal of having a brick and mortar location since ...
The Barnum girls basketball team played host to the Two Harbors Agates, a key conference and sectional game for both teams with some potentially major seeding implications for the upcoming ...