In the EU, 1 in 4 trainees has no access to social protection. More specifically, 61% reported that they had full or partial access to social protection during their traineeship, while 27% had no ...
European Council President António Costa highlighted the importance of social dialogue as well as the need to boost competiteveness at the 592nd plenary session of the European Economic and Social ...
The Council today reached an agreement on a proposed framework for Financial Data Access (FIDA) that aims to open the access of financial institutions to each other’s customer data.
The Council reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a proposed targeted amendment of the EU deforestation regulation, postponing its date of application by 12 months.
Nõukogu võttis vastu kaks uut küberturvalisuse õigusaktide paketti kuuluvat õigusakti, nimelt nn kübersolidaarsuse määruse ja küberturvalisuse määruse sihipärase muudatuse.
Press briefings ahead of the upcoming Economic and Financial Affairs Council of 10 December 2024 and the Justice and Home Affairs Council of 12 and 13 December 2024 will take place on 6 December 2024 ...
El levantamiento de las sanciones relacionadas con el ámbito nuclear se producirá de conformidad con el calendario y las modalidades especificados en el Plan de Acción Integral Conjunto (PAIC).
Rialacha athbhreithnithe maidir le réamheolairí chun rochtain ar mhargaí caipitil a éascú do chuideachtaí, go háirithe do ghnólachtaí beaga.
Σκοπός των προτάσεων για την τιτλοποίηση είναι να αναζωογονήσουν την αγορά τίτλων στην ΕΕ και να συμβάλουν έτσι στην καλύτερη χρηματοδότηση της ευρωπαϊκής οικονομίας.
Obiectivul propunerilor de securitizare este acela de a revitaliza piața securitizărilor din UE, contribuind astfel la îmbunătățirea finanțării economiei UE.
L-għan tal-proposti dwar it-titolizzazzjoni huwa li jerġa' jagħti ħajja mill-ġdid lis-suq tat-titolizzazzjoni tal-UE u b’dan il-mod jikkontribwixxu biex jittejjeb il-finanzjament tal-ekonomija tal-UE.
Ir-regoli riveduti dwar il-prospetti biex jiġi ffaċilitat l-aċċess għas-swieq finanzjarji għall-kumpaniji, b’mod partikolari n-negozji ż-żgħar.