Maurizio Cattelan’s “Comedian,” a banana taped to a wall, sold for $6.2 million to cryptocurrency entrepreneur Justin Sun, who ate it to embody the concept of the work. The story also highlighted Shah ...
Claudio Malacarne nasce a Mantova nell’estate del 1956, quando il sole è già entrato nella costellazione del cancro. Fin dalle prime opere in lui il disegno si configura come un ambito d’azione e di ...
拉斐尔·维尔多是一位法国当代雕塑家,他最初注定要走科学之路,后来从事木工事业。他选择追随自己对木材的热爱,成为一名技艺精湛的橱柜工匠。在过去的三十年里,维尔多磨练了他独特 ...
Dritan Pasmaçiu is an artist who lives and works in Albania. He was born in Tirana, Albania (Illyrian Peninsula - Europe), on February 19, 1968. He started drawing in the early years of his childhood, ...
Diana Mestre, nacida en 1981, vive y trabaja en Portugal donde destaca como fotógrafa. Desde sus inicios ha desarrollado un enfoque artístico único, fusionando su amor por el paisaje, la arquitectura ...
雷内·马格里特(René Magritte,1898-1967)是一位比利时超现实主义艺术家,以其发人深省且神秘的画作而闻名。他因其独特的艺术方法而闻名,这种方法经常涉及在不寻常和梦幻般的环境中并置 ...
The V&A has awarded the 2024 Jameel Prize to Khandakar Ohida for his film Dream Your Museum , celebrating contemporary Islamic art. An exhibition of the finalists will be held at the V&A South ...
您可以对给定价格范围内的物品感兴趣,愿意查找特定艺术家的艺术品或特定技术:Artmajeur 提供最丰富的原创绘画、雕塑、摄影、限量版和印刷品。超过 250 万件作品由来自世界各地的新兴 ...
Oil on canvas signed BURNETT in the right corner. The canvas must have been painted in the 1950s. It is in very good condition, framed in a black and gold wooden frame (from the 50/60 period); Painter ...
Born in 1967 in Pinar del Rio, CUBA, Eduardo Guerra Hernandez works in the long and rich tradition of printing and engraving. Guerra has developed a unique approach, "Holography", a hybrid between ...
金承焕是韩国一位新兴画家,以拍摄名人、偶像和日常生活的逼真肖像而闻名。他对色彩、纹理和光线的生动运用曾在韩国各地的个人画展和众多艺术博览会上展出。金承焕的作品力求捕捉每个 ...
Born in 1968 in Kiev. 1996 - Stydied at the National Academy of Arts and Architecture, studio temple painting prof. Storozhenko MA In the same year he was invited as one of the best graduates in ...