Dear all, As a Reform Jew in the Diaspora, my relationship to Israel is deep, unwavering, and - yes - often complicated. My ...
We saw the Burning Bush on Moses’ face and we were afraid of him. We desert bound people who saw a sea part and frogs fall out of the sky We homeward-bound ex-slaves who didn’t yet know what to do ...
Queen Esther, who is Jacob’s rose, and purple, Mordecai, are heroes, for they fought our foes: their names will never die! Oh ...
As a high schooler at YULA and a student at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, Levy knew she wanted to work in a ...
Haleh Mashian, the owner of Mash Gallery, loves to paint trees, flowers, water and nature. In her recent group exhibition, “À ...
ZAKA — a renowned search, rescue and recovery organization in Israel — has played a key role in the response to the Oct. 7 ...
In life, it is rare to find anyone as purely righteous as Mordechai or as purely wicked as Haman — though there are ...
Montana Tucker, Dan Ahdoot, Zach Sage Fox, John Ondrasik and Judea Pearl were among those who spoke at the StandWithUs ...
Joy is a very holy pursuit. And no day exemplifies this more than Purim.
While the book is a work of fiction, Sendowski ensures that it remains faithful to the historical and textual integrity of ...
Hold Me, Heal Me,” which features true Jewish stories of kindness, is the perfect counterprograming for this challenging ...
When local author and mother of four Emunah Fialkoff watched her kids playing with coloring and activity books, she noticed ...