I like collecting art and on-set photographs. I’ve got an original photograph of Sid James and Kenneth Williams having a cup ...
It's a fresh blow for visitors to the islands, which include world-famous holiday destinations like Ibiza, Mallorca and Majorca.
From visiting off peak to exploring car-free, here's how to swerve the highest levies if government proposals go ahead ...
The tourist tax, referred to as the "eco-tax," will increase from €4 to a maximum of €6 per night for each individual during ...
Steven Lyon and partner Maura were travelling to Palma de Majorca with daughter Zara when they noticed something wrong.
Drivers could face a temporary tax if they hire a vehicle, it has been warned, amid proposals to crack down on tourism across ...
This increase could mean that couples planning a fortnight getaway to Mallorca, Ibiza, or Menorca during the peak months will ...
Martin Lewis has issued a warning to anyone who already has a holiday booked for this year. Speaking on his ITV show last ...
Majorca, which is hugely popular with Brits, has unveiled its roadmap to creating a sustainable model for tourism on the ...
It’s no secret that Spain is popular with tourists. Alongsid e the Costa Brava and the Costa del Sol, one of the country’s ...
Rain set to continue. According to the met. office Aemet the arrival of a new Atlantic storm is expected on Thursday, which ...
Stephanie Hill, 40, ordered a four-week course of the injectable online and rapidly shed weight. However now full of regret, ...