By his own admission, he has been ‘doxxed, abused, hounded, smeared’ – now, the former GB News presenter and cancel-culture ...
GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Prior to his split from St. Paul’s Anglican Catholic Church on Thursday, former Father Calvin Robinson was an active conservative voice in U.K. politics and popular media.
A Grand Rapids priest was kicked out of his church Wednesday after a video of him giving what some have said is similar to a "pro-Nazi salute" went viral. Rev. Calvin Robinson, Priest-in-charge of ...
Calvin Robinson, who was a priest with the Anglican Catholic Church, had his license revoked after making an apparent Nazi salute at a pro-life event.
The Anglican Catholic Church said Calvin Robinson was previously warned against ‘online trolling.’ Robinson called the gesture an ‘attempt at dry wit.’ ...
Rev. Calvin Robinson, Priest-in-charge of the St. Paul's Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) on Lake Michigan Drive in Grand Rapids, is no longer serving as a priest in the church and has had his ...