Austria is attempting to deport a high-profile German climate activist known as “Klima [climate] Shakira” after getting fed ...
The three-party government will include the conservative Austrian People’s Party, the Social Democrats and the liberal Neos party. The government could be seated as soon as next week ...
The conservative Austrian People's Party, the center-left Social Democrats and the liberal Neos agreed on a program for a ...
The new Austrian government says it has decided to immediately stop family reunion procedures for migrants because the ...
THE NEW Austrian government has halted family reunion procedures for migrants because it claims the country can no longer absorb newcomers.
Chancellor Christian Stocker from the conservative Austrian People’s Party said. “Austria’s capacities are limited, and that is why we have decided to prevent further overloading,” Stocker ...
The new Austrian government said on Wednesday that family reunion procedures for migrants will be immediately halted because ...
Chancellor Christian Stocker from the conservative Austrian People’s Party said.