Santa tracking calls with children and families across the country." NORAD says Santa Claus typically begins his Christmas journey at the International Date Line, located in the Pacific Ocean ...
But on Christmas Eve, it tackles perhaps its most important mission: tracking Santa Claus as he delivers presents around the world. NORAD has been in the Santa-tracking game for decades.
NORAD confirms The U.S. military agency known for tracking Santa Claus as he delivers presents on Christmas Eve doesn’t expect COVID-19 or the “bomb cyclone” hitting North America to affect ...
The Christmas tradition has become nearly global in scope: Children from around the world track Santa Claus as he sweeps across the earth, delivering presents and defying time. The Christmas ...
On 24 December you can use the Official NORAD Tracks Santa website to follow ... “Are you really Santa Claus?” from a small child. After quickly realising it wasn’t a prank, Shoup Ho Ho ...