Third Annual Walk4Friendship, one-mile walk fundraiser put on by Friendship House Boca to support programs for individuals of ...
The Kiwanis Club of Santa Monica presented a $100,000 donation to the Salvation Army Santa Monica during its monthly meeting ...
Document by the Ruhr Red Army that lays out the principles that it's soldiers must adhere to in course of the fight against the Reichswehr. The full name of individual commanders are Karl Wohlgemuth, ...
One of the many documents published by the Ruhr Red Army in the aftermath of the Bielefeld Resolution. Interestingly this documents mentions the criteria for the workers that wanted to enlist.
The Mon Valley Independent is published daily (255 times a year) by MID MON VALLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY LLC, 1719 Grand Blvd., ...
The organization is trying to catch up after falling short of its Red Kettle Campaign goal.
“Have Stories – Will Share” by The Salvation Army Creative Writers, had a story written by Mary Baker, dated November 15, 1998, “’Anything.’” ...
The red carpet was out at Turlock’s Regal Cinemas on Thursday with guests lined up in their finery for a photo session before ...
Emergency Management Agency Coordinator Larry Thies reached out to Unit 40, Unit 50, Sacred Heart and Saint Anthony schools about a facility use agreement in case people are displaced by an emergency.
Firefighters responded to a fire at the Kings Lynn Condos Friday afternoon.Officials said the fire happened in a unit on the<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
Salvation Army's "The Way Out" program actively works to get more people into recovery every day and help San Francisco's ...
Valerie Geller says in her new book that it is important for radio stations to prepare for emergencies, especially in an era ...