Memphis Light Gas & Water is looking to the sun to generate its own electricity and improve the power grid for customers. The utility is issuing a Request for Poposals to have ...
The Philips Hue Lily spotlights are a great choice for adding smart, colourful flair to your garden, especially if you’re ...
The Clean Energy Generation is making progress every day here in the Southeast. From a conservative Florida county switching ...
In line with the #BrighterLivesBetterWorld vision, Signify, the world leader in lighting, has brightened up 55 villages in ...
Throughout the years, there were multiple attempts to manufacture a solar-powered phone (Samsung did this as early as 2009, ...
Imagine having a phone that can stay charged by simply being exposed to light. On Sunday, ahead of the Mobile World Congress ...
A couple of years ago my roof panels generated enough electricity in one month that I didn’t have to pay my energy bill for ...