Many of his compositions are inspired by abstract painters such as Ellsworth Kelly and Yun Hyong-keun. Sean Scully’s ...
My heart throbs for her studio,” says Nellie Scott, executive director of the Corita Art Center, which is opening a new ...
His peers like Keith Haring became icons. But now, 30 years after his passing, the legacy of Dan Friedman is more powerful ...
As a young potter, he turned up on the doorstep of an octogenarian master of modern painting. They grew so close it became a ...
During Mexico City Art Week, the gallery—now under the leadership of Cristobal Riestra—unveiled “Bodega,” a collaborative ...
Stellar Atmospheres by Alicia Sometimes is a poetry collection that blends lyricism with astronomical marvels.
That’s despite the fact that I was at a swimming pool the other day, and spotted so many horrible tats on very peely-wally ...
Creativity is often found through accidental impulse. If there is fidelity to it, then over time that prompting gives rise to competence.
The "Electric Dreams" exhibition at the Tate illuminates our changing relationship with the virtual world ...
Abstract painting is a hardy perennial of the art world. Trends may come and go, but the practice of translating visual ...
Art in Public Places Launches New Public Art Initiative, 'Art Outside, ' with Support from Alabama State Council on the Arts ...
An innovative art exhibition at Pratt Institute’s DeKalb Gallery in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, is challenging perceptions of ...