The Red Cross said it needs more help in the winter months when donations tend to slow down, however the need for blood does not.
Weather conditions and sickness slowed the rate of collection of donated blood and platelets in January. The American Red ...
The blood drive is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 3, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the arena in downtown Louisville. Organizers are ...
The recent weather events caused a lot of blood drives scheduled for January to be canceled. According to the American Red ...
Appointments, ImpactLife; 12-5 p.m. Feb. 6, Auditorium, 5450 Evans Drive, Clinton; hosted by The Church of Christ. Appointments, ImpactLife; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Feb. 7 ...
“The Red Cross has a robust blood supply,” said PRC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dick Gordon. Gordon noted that the donation aligns with the PRC’s intensified blood donation campaign.
Special blood donation events will take place to address the ongoing need for Rh-negative blood. With Thai donors primarily supplying Rh-positive blood, the availability of Rh-negative blood ...
After moving to Portland in 2010, Melinda Tsow said it has been quite a journey to have a roof over her head. A 2-year-old girl was left on a bus for several hours on Monday in nearly freezing weather ...