as well as the City Planning Commission of New York, in tiresome and protracted negotiations for slum clearance with officers of large fiduciaries. After months of work and argument, projects have ...
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on ...
Starved for resources, Cabrini convinces a New York Times reporter to write about the slum—and an avalanche ... viewer is invited to assume are on the city payroll) set the construction site ...
After the Civil War, those considered "strangers" in New York City included African Americans, immigrants, and those who had died in the city's slums. Today the cemetery is home to bodies that ...
Aquatint, New York from Heights near ... Multitudes To paraphrase Whitman, the city contained multitudes -- and seeming contradictions. Densely populated slums existed just around the corner ...
New Zealand-based physicist & science journalist fascinated by cities New York City is the most populous city in the U.S. Thanks to climate change, it is also under an ever-increasing threat of ...