These would be the Balrogs, servants of Morgoth, and Maiar so corrupted by Morgoth that they were bound to a fiery, demon form. If Maiar who served Morgoth were corrupted into Balrogs, then why is ...
The wizards were sent to Middle-earth with the mission of guiding the world to a more peaceful future after the war between Morgoth and the ... When Gandalf fell to the Balrog, Durin's Bane ...
The Balrog is famous for battling Gandalf in the Mines of Moria. But this iconic Lord of the Rings monster has a far deeper, more ancient origin. Morgoth also created the Balrogs, which feature in ...
The Maiar exist throughout Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings—Gandalf the Grey (Sir Ian McKellan), Saruman (Christopher Lee), and even the Balrog are ... so he turned to Morgoth, the Fallen Vala ...