face several challenges, including resistance development or microbiome disruption. Hypharm GmbH has presented data regarding their recombinant chimeric bacteriophage endolysin HY-133 for the ...
By ostensibly putting itself first, America is really dragging the world back to a leaderless, atomized era that undermined ...
Researchers prospectively studied patients presenting with skin and soft-tissue infections ... single most commonly identified cause of infection. Of MRSA isolates, 100% were susceptible to ...
With the rising prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (S.) aureus (MRSA), a multi drug resistant strain, treatment has become a ...
With the rising prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus ( S .) aureus (MRSA), a multi drug resistant strain, ...
Artificial nails place patients at risk of MRSA nosocomial infection and health care workers ... Experts assert that skin care is important, because cracked, dry skin can be more difficult to ...
Most of the time, these bacteria cause no problems or cause relatively minor skin infections. But staph can lead to a more serious infection called MRSA, with the bacteria - which has become ...
Basilea will seek approval of ceftobiprole for SAB as well as acute bacterial skin and skin ... including hard-to-treat infections caused by methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA), said Basilea.
The lawsuit includes a photo of a notebook found in John Barnett's truck when he died by suicide, bearing the message, "I ...
If you're sick, you may wonder if your dog can get sick too. These illnesses in people can spread to pets - here's why you ...