And we Americans have always had a soft spot for gangsters, at least as written in, say, The Godfatheror, in the case of GUYS AND DOLLS ... “The Crapshooter’s Dance” and “Luck Be a ...
Prepare yourself for the upcoming Spring Musical, Guys and Dolls. This classic Broadway show is set to take the stage at ...
In front of all the guys and dolls, Nathan and Adelaide are married ... Choreography by Clayton Cross with an amazing group of dancers/singers and a great score being performed by the MTW ...
UNR Theatre brought in live musicians for the score, and it made all the difference. While it wasn’t a full pit, the presence of live instrumentalists elevated the entire production, adding warmth, ...
They really don’t create musicals like “Guys and Dolls” anymore. So, head straight to the superb Music Theater Works ...
will mean they fall for each other as the plot rollicks through show-stopping song and dance numbers like "The Oldest Established," "Adelaide's Lament," "Guys and Dolls" and "Sit Down, You're ...
It’s standing ovation time again for the Music Theater Works. They are having a terrific season. Now, add Guys and Dolls to their successful performances ...