The office of the Chicago City Clerk is calling next month Amnesty April. It means they're waiving city sticker penalties to make it easier for drivers to get a vehicle sticker if they don't have one ...
Chicago’s price index landed at just 211.23, placing it near the bottom of the Case-Schiller National Home Price Index.
Despite recent spikes, Chicago has seen some of the slowest home price growth among large U.S. cities over the last 25 years.
The City of Chicago is requesting a 3% price reduction on all invoices sent to the city for the next twelve months off any ...
Amid a budget crunch and an uncertain economy, Chicago is asking city vendors to take a 3% haircut on their existing ...
Of the 250 responses returned by the close of business Friday, 62 agreed to cut their already-negotiated prices by 3%, while ...
Chicago's Chief Procurement Officer, Sharla Roberts, has asked vendors to reduce their prices by 3% amid financial ...