In the heart-pounding journey towards the grand finale of Bigg Boss Kannada Season 10, contestants find themselves on the precipice of a pivotal challenge, the eagerly anticipated 'Ticket to Finale.' ...
Drone Prathap, Bigg Boss Kannada Season 10 runner-up, was arrested after a video showed him detonating sodium in a farm's water supply. The explosion, which occurred at an agricultural site ...
Kannada star Kichcha Suddep has been hosting Bigg Boss Kannada since its first season. As of now, he hosted 10 seasons and is currently hosting the 11th season. Meanwhile, before the current ...
It’s been a great 10+1 years of travel together, and it’s time for me to move on with what I need to do. This will be my last season as a host for BBK (Bigg Boss Kannada), and I truly believe ...
Check out the Winner name, runner-up, voting results, prize money details and where to watch the grand finale.