TEHRAN, Mar. 02 (MNA) – TV BRICS based in Russia provides on its official website the BRICS news digest for the previous week ...
The economist who coined the term "BRICS" has claimed that the alliance, aimed at challenging Western nations, "has nothing ...
Brazil's state-controlled oil giant Petrobras couldn't have found a bigger event to unveil a major new customer. At ...
The BRICS+ nations have chosen to ignore Donald Trump's threats and go ahead with exactly what it intends on doing - finding ...
"I hope that more countries will join BRICS and that attempts to place weapons in space will fail," Oleg Artemyev said ...
President Cyril Ramaphosa said that South Africa wants to find agreement with the new US government on diplomatic, trade and ...
Trump warned BRICS nations of 100% tariffs if they attempt to replace the US dollar. BRICS has sought to reduce dollar ...
Wuxi BioHermes Bio & Medical Technology Co Ltd, a company specializing in the production of diabetes in vitro diagnostic ...
But even in a relatively permissive environment, Russia’s appetite for global upheaval has limits. New bursts of conflict ...
The UAE has participated in the first BRICS Sherpa meeting of 2025, which took place in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, following Brazil’s assumption of the group’s presidency for this year.The UAE ...
The economic opportunities stemming from membership in BRICS far outweigh any external pressures on the alliance, with the ...
A TOP security aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim as the Kremlin builds ties with South-east Asian nations seeking to offset the risks of ...