The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
Installed along Brandy Road in 1927, “Opening of Gettysburg Campaign” sign among first group of silver and black placards ...
The fighting of the American Civil War ultimately reached nearly every state in the Northern and Southern territories, with ...
An effort is afoot to tell the story of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers in a six-acre park between Boundary Street and Battery Creek ...
It is fascinating to note that, notwithstanding his antisemitism, Sherman was a great admirer of Rose Eytinge (1835-1911), a Jewish-American actress and author who rose to become one of the most popul ...
Parade” opens with a drumbeat for soldiers to march to and hearts to keep rhythm with. It is the American Civil War’s lethal ...
A video showing 'ghost soldiers' run across Gettysburg is proving to be a terrifying watch, even for non-believers. The site ...
National Medal of Honor Day Set March 25, Brevard's Emory Bennett Awarded Medal for Valor During the Korean War ...
Morris received the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions on September 17, 1969, while commanding the Third Company, Third Battalion of the IV Mobile Strike Force near Chi Lang, Vietnam. Then-Staff ...
EDDA L. FIELDS-BLACK is the proud daughter of Eddie Fields, esq., and icon Dorothy Jenkins Fields, founder of the Black Archives Historic Lyric Theater. PHOTO ...