Bloodborne, Sony

Original Story: Almost four years down the line, Sony has issued a DMCA takedown request against an unofficial Bloodborne ...
The Bloodborne PSX demake fan-project from tech artist and engineer Lilith Walther has become the latest legal takedown ...
Sony has forced community modder Lance McDonald to take down his 60 FPS Bloodborne patch – but this may be a good thing.
There is a particular sadistic joy to being a modern Bloodborne fan. A decade on, short of a complete remake, we probably ...
Sony has filed a DMCA takedown of a fan-made Bloodborne 60 frames per second patch nearly four years after its release.
Love playing Bloodborne in 60fps? Too bad as Sony has filed a takedown notice against the fan-made patch that makes the ...
Now, developer LWMedia has formally announced an expansion to Nightmare Kart, playfully titled "The Old Karts". This addon, ...
Now, the platform holder has announced a bunch of additional titles that'll feature during the concert. Attendees will be ...