Airlines operating under Lufthansa Group extend suspension of service to Tel Aviv until end-January due to security concerns ...
Wormald, currently serving as permanent secretary at Department of Health and Social Care, to take the post on Dec. 16, ...
After liberating Tel Rifaat from terrorist group PKK/YPG, opposition SNA taking precautions against tunnels, traps, ...
Ankara plays constructive, beneficial role in reducing tensions in Syria, says Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson - ...
- Michel Barnier s’est engagé auprès de Marine Le Pen à ne pas acter de déremboursement de médicaments en 2025 - Anadolu ...
Инцидентот се случи на финалниот натпревар на локалниот фудбалски турнир на стадионот во вториот по големина град во Гвинеја, ...
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Kaya, "1900'den günümüze 7'den büyük 28 deprem var. Demek ki biz ortalama 4-5 yılda bir 7'nin üzerinde ...
Today, despite incidents that persist in some neighborhoods, public order has been restored, and return to normal life is ...
Grevat dy-orëshe për çdo turn u caktuan pasi dështuan negociatat e pagave midis sindikatës më të madhe të punëtorëve të ...
Of 30 arrest warrants handed down by International Criminal Court, 18 issued within the last 3 years, says Karim Khan - ...
Conditions at center, which accommodates up to 5,000 people, despite its 3,000 limit, reportedly fail to provide occupants a ...
Former NATO Secretary General proposes diplomatic negotiations and compromise as potential pathway to end Russia-Ukraine war ...