MONTGOMERY, La. (KALB) - An unhoused person was killed by a train this week, according to Montgomery Chief of Police Clyde Baines. Terry Gaines, 48, allegedly fell asleep on the tracks when the train ...
Demoreo Hall is wanted for illegal possession of stolen things ($1,000+), theft (under $1,000), theft ($1,000-$5,000) x2, ...
It is described as a spicy romance with some suspense and small-town drama.
ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - ‘Relentless’ is a new indie book set in Louisiana. It is described as a spicy romance with some suspense and small-town drama. The setting for the novel is the fictional town ...
LAKE CHARLES, La. (KALB) - The Rosepine Eagles’ 2024-2025 season came to an end after falling 87-55 to the Calvary Baptist Cavaliers in the semi-finals on March 11. This served as Rosepine’s first ...
LAKE CHARLES, La. (KALB) - The Avoyelles Charter Vikings defeated the Zwolle Hawks 44-39 in the semi-finals matchup on March 11. This victory sends Charter to their third straight championship game.
Ahead of the state’s regular legislative session, a bill that was pre-filled would allow certain appointments to occur within the City of Alexandria.
PINEVILLE, La. (KALB) - According to the Pineville Police Department, Mayor Joe Bishop and the City Council have officially confirmed Roy Fore as Pineville’s Chief of Police. The city named Fore as ...
LAKE CHARLES, La. (KALB) - The Plainview Hornets defeated the Gibson-Colemen Bulldogs 64-55 in the Class C Semi-Finals on March 11. ZeQuan Lewis scored 23 points for the Hornets and had 20 rebounds.
Ahead of the state’s regular legislative session, a bill that was pre-filled would allow certain appointments to occur within the City of Alexandria.
The Louisiana Workforce Commission’s Rapid Response Team is stepping in to assist workers who were displaced by layoffs at International Paper’s Red River Mill in Campti.