Enhancement of small-scale induced gravitational waves from the soliton/oscillon domination ...
Waterloo U., IQC and Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.
A hydrodynamic theory of spin waves is developed for certain magnetic systems in analogy with the derivation of two-fluid hydrodynamics for liquid helium. The systems considered are "isotropic" and ...
SINAP, Shanghai and Shanghai, Inst. Optics, Fine Mech.
Symmetry Enhancement, SPT Absorption, and Duality in QED 3 _3 3 ...
Porto U., Astron. Dept. and Porto U.
Potsdam, Max Planck Inst. and Vienna U.
In this paper, we study two Higgs doublet models with gauged U(1)_H symmetry, motivated by the excesses around 96 GeV reported by the CMS collaboration in the searches for light resonances decaying to ...
Non-pertrubative quantum gravity formulated as a unitary four-dimensional theory suggests that certain amount of non-locality, such as infinite-derivative operators, can be present in the action, in ...
In this thesis, I studied the aspects of holography in asymptotic AdS and flat spacetime. In asymptotic AdS spacetime, the dictio- nary between gravitational and CFT observables on its boundary is well ...
Niobium films typically constitute a significant component in the construction of modern two-dimensional superconducting qubit architectures, yet their contribution to the total decay rate is not ...