Christians of all people should of course know that this world is NOT all there is. Indeed, this world is transitory and ...
One does not ordinarily think of the following activities as having deep political implications, or as sending a strong ...
An important set on the Puritans: If you love the Puritans, if you love J. I. Packer, and if you love short, meaty addresses and essays on Puritan and Reformed themes, then you will love the ...
Of course controversy for the sake of controversy is not to be engaged in. But controversy that comes about because of a ...
The matter of icon veneration, which is big in the Roman Catholic camp, but especially in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, is ...
We are also called to take part in a rebuilding project. That is a major theme of the new book by Andrew Torba, Reclaiming ...
Václav Havel, Truth, and Resistance Theory On Resistance and Rebuilding Soft Christianity Does Not Cut It ...
Václav Havel was an important writer, playwright and political activist. He worked tirelessly against tyrannical communism, and when ...