Terre Haute South junior Peyton White placed 25th out of 32 competitors in 1-meter diving during the IHSAA boys swimming and diving state finals Saturday inside the Indiana University Natatorium.
Princeton gave top alumni honors to Elena Kagan, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and David Card, a Nobel ...
16.One of the biggest fads of the 1950s was "phonebooth stuffing," where-in a bunch of people would, well, stuff themselves ...
It took Donald Trump precisely one month to abdicate that leadership, destroying everything his predecessors—from Woodrow ...
The president is handing over the viability of his second term to a figure who is accountable to no one but himself.
Rich Benjamin’s new book reveals a shared spirit between the world’s first Black republic and the United States.
Andrew Waaswa reflects on his journey from North Carolina’s farmlands to Nevada’s arid landscapes, discovering Extension’s ...
Legal scholar John Shu says President Donald Trump’s executive order checking the power of independent agencies likely will ...
The Department of Education has faced opposition since its initial establishment in 1867.
President Donald Trump said he will not make any security guarantees to Ukraine "beyond very much," as the United States eyes ...
Reading Jeffrey Toobin's "The Pardon," which focuses on Gerald Ford's decision to pardon Richard Nixon, the urge to contrast ...
Extension services was established by President Woodrow Wilson who signed the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. This extended the ...