Rosemary Aoko has been buying antiretroviral (ARV) medication for two of her relatives. She found the free medication system too cumbersome, often plagued by stockouts, shortages of preferred drugs, ...
Viral contamination in cell cultures poses significant challenges, particularly due to the necessity for complex detection ...
Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with Kumamoto University in Japan, have assessed a new rapid ...
Data clerks at facilities covered by USAID are not yet back at work, impacting data collection and quality control. The Ugandan President directed the release of UGX 6 billion for the rollout of ...
For six weeks now, Elizabeth Tembo (not real name) from Zingwangwa Township in Blantyre has not gone for viral load testing due to suspension of the services in public health facilities. She used to ...
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the leading cause of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and liver-related death globally.1,2 The highest prevalence is found in low-income and middle-income countries ...
Not only does the Ram 1500 pass the test, but the excavator bounces the truck while keeping it under a 10,000-pound load to intentionally try and break the vehicle. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.
Viral infections are the most common asthma triggers in adults and children. A viral wheeze in toddlers is different than asthma, although some children with the condition eventually develop ...
Point-of-care viral diagnostics must often trade off performance and ease of use. For example, while PCR represents state-of-the-art analytical sensitivity, it is still a costly and complex test ...
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