It's an ability and skill often taken for granted. It affects quality of life and has been linked to heart disease and stroke ...
People who have early signs of heart problems may also have changes in brain health that can be early signs of dementia, such ...
I intuitively knew something bad had happened in my brain but I wasn't aware of the ... it's believed she's had three mini strokes since her vertebral artery dissection and has been diagnosed ...
A YOGA instructor ripped open an artery in her neck while performing a squat at the gym – triggering a stroke. Bridgette ...
CEREBROVASCULAR disease ranked third, after heart disease and cancer, as a cause of death in the United States in 1959. Almost 37,000 of these deaths occurred in persons between thirty-eight and ...
Dr Swift said the wound track continued backward and "severed another major blood vessel to the brain, the right vertebral artery". He said that artery had been "completely cut across" and ...
A Norfolk man stabbed in the neck by his own grandson suffered a "catastrophic bleed to part of his brain" as a result of the wound, ...
The abdominal aorta is a large artery in your belly that carries blood from the heart to the lower part of the body. In early fetal development, it forms from two smaller blood vessels, called the ...
An Australian start-up has launched the "first commercialised biological computer" made of human brain cells at a conference in Barcelona. The team behind it believe it could be used as a type ...
When last seen 6 months after operation the patient was free of cerebral symptoms. The right subclavian artery is patent (a), with forward filling of its branches, including the vertebral ...
Vertebral artery dissection is a rare condition that happens with a ... which occurs when a clot becomes large enough to block blood flow to your brain. Clots can also break off, travel through your ...
it caused a condition called vertebral artery dissection — which according to the Cleveland Clinic. is a tear in the artery that runs along your spine, supplying blood to your brain. For ...