INCOIS will conduct a risk assessment at the Tarapur nuclear power plant site, and install an ocean observational network.
Now, San Mateo County residents can use an online tool called a ‘ Tsunami Hazard Area Dashboard ’ to see what areas will be ...
San Mateo County launched its new Tsunami Hazard Area Dashboard on Monday as part of a broader effort to better prepare for ...
Fears of a tsunami rocking New Zealand have arisen after a magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck off the country's South Island ...
In a worst-case tsunami, parts of Alameda, Oakland and Berkeley could be flooded up to an 18-foot elevation, California officials said in new study.
The risk of flooding from a major tsunami may be greater than many realized along Monterey County's coastline, California officials said in new study.
This week, it makes far more sense to test an aspect of our tsunami system that didn’t perform very well last December — who ...
Our guide on how to prepare for a tsunami alert as this year's Tsunami Preparedness Week approaches on March 22–30.
The risk of flooding from a major tsunami may be greater than many realized along California’s coastline, state officials ...
More communities than previously thought could be impacted by a tsunami resulting from a large earthquake off the California ...
Interactive map from the California Geological Survey shows the destruction potential of a tsunami wave in the Golden State.