Rep. Ken King introduces a bill to make the tomahawk rib-eye the official steak of Texas, sparking a flavorful debate with ...
A pickup truck, pulling a U-Haul trailer, obliterated a restaurant sign on I-40 in Amarillo.The crash happened before 4:2 ...
In Harmony D’Andrea’s eight years as a server at the Big Texan Steak Ranch, in Amarillo, she’s watched hundreds of competitors take their shots at the 72-ounce steak challenge: eating a ...
King, who represents areas around Amarillo and southward along the ... On the Senate side of the debate, the Texas Strip Steak is being pushed as the Lone Star State’s official steak — and ...
The popular event brings top Amarillo chefs, food trucks, and wineries together for a night of tastings, live competitions, and student showcases.
Southern dishes are a vital part of American cuisine, from hush puppies to ham hocks and beignets to barbecue. It's ...
Waffle House will open the new restaurant in Waxahachie near I-35, according to a new filing to the Texas Department of ...
The iconic Planters vehicle visited Amarillo Monday to delight the crowd with a giant peanut on wheels and Planters snacks.
Lumber Yard restaurant and entertainment venue finds itself in the progressive mode for its grand opening in Canyon.
Large hail occurs most frequently in North and West Texas because of the drier air and higher elevation in those regions.
Large hail occurs most frequently in North and West Texas because of drier air and higher elevation, but what city is most ...
The strongest winds will be blasting across parts of West Texas and the Panhandle, where gusts could reach 80 mph Friday ...