Uncover the ancient mystery of the squirting cucumber's explosive seed dispersal. Discover the plant's sophisticated fluid ...
When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE, the scolding lava, ash, and gas that poured from its entrails converted the Roman city of Pompeii into a terrifying snapshot of death and destruction. Two ...
In one letter he reported that his uncle, Pliny the Elder, commander of the Roman fleet in the Bay of Naples, had sailed towards Pompeii to see if he could help the citizens there. As he stepped ...
The forgotten statue of Nero at the Isthmus of Corinth is a relic of the time the Roman emperor granted freedom to a part of ancient Greece.
Alexander the Great brought bananas, parakeets, cotton, and sugar from India to Europe, as well as crucifixion from Persia.
Is synchronised peeing a 'thing' and could there be a benefit to it... We shared a common ancestor with chimpanzees, our ...
Volcanic wines are those which don’t pander, don’t flatter, and don’t care if you like them, says Douglas Blyde — they’re the ...
About 2,000 years ago, building on earlier ideas, Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder subdivided the world into Europe, Asia and Africa. The word “continent” comes from the Latin terra continens ...
Tracing temple-studded coastlines and rivers that gave birth to epoch-shaping civilizations, these sailings reveal how the waves have shaped our world.
He tried them out on condemned prisoners. He was a polyglot. According to Pliny the Elder, Mithradates VI spoke the languages of the 22 regions he ruled “and could harangue each of them ...