In a bizarre twist during its corporate restructuring, Stripe accidentally attached an image of a cartoon duck to emails ...
Stripe accidentally sent termination emails with a cartoon duck image to 300 laid-off employees, adding an odd twist to their ...
Stripe employees were sent PDF of a cartoon duck alongside their notice of role termination in a baffling HR mistake.
Stripe accidentally sent a PDF image of a cartoon duck to 300 employees it was attempting to lay off as an attachment to their termination emails.
Stripe, the Bay Area’s second most valuable startup, emailed a layoff notice to 300 workers - along with a cartoon picture.
Stripe laid off 300 employees, equivalent to around 3.5% of its workforce, on Monday, with most of the roles in the product, engineering, and operations departments.
The message was sent Tuesday and, for once in this utterly bizarre Buffalo Sabres season, it was actually heard.