The MSP said the investigation began when MDOC personnel observed unusual behavior by a prisoner during a visitation ...
surveillance footage allegedly showed Ramirez-Huerta placing items in the waistband of her pants and covertly handing them over to the inmate. After MDOC officials observed the exchange, a search ...
Madison and Rankin Counties’ District Attorney Bubba Bramlett said Satoshi Maehata was sentenced to 20 years in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC). Maehata will have ...
She was paroled on Jan. 9. "The parole board made the release decision based on several factors such as age and health," said MDOC's public information officer, Jenni Riehle. "Morris is currently ...
Working with MDOC, UPSET coordinated two traffic stops with troopers with the MSP Sault Ste. Marie and St. Ignace posts to catch the suspects. Using search warrants, the investigators seized ...
There are no records of MDOC employees being injured or killed ... Reception & Guidance Center are too short and present a safety issue for inmates and staff," Martinez wrote.
“I was able to tour every zone, speak with inmates and hear their concerns, even prayed and broke bread in the mess hall. I was pleased to witness the efforts being made to ensure that MDOC is a place ...
An Alabama Department of Corrections Inmate Summary lists Frazier as "borrowed" from MDOC; MDOC's website still has him listed as a current prisoner. Frazier’s mother also desperately pleaded for the ...
MONROE COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – Once a week, Judy Carpenter helps lead a group of MDOC inmates as they take a class to prepare for their GED test. The inmates are part of the Monroe County Work ...