Desember telah tiba, dan semangat Natal mulai terasa di udara. Untuk menciptakan suasana yang meriah di rumah, dekorasi Natal ...
Berikut ini tim Beautynesia merangkum 5 pernikahan artis Indonesia 2024 yang dirayakan secara meriah. Ada yang kental mengusung budaya Indonesia hingga international wedding. Menariknya lagi, ada ...
Berikut adalah beberapa ide kreatif untuk membuat hiasan pohon Natal dari barang bekas yang dapat kamu coba di rumah: - Bola Bekas Bola bekas berukuran kecil dapat dicat dengan warna-warna cerah ...
Berikut tujuh panduan memilih pencahayaan terbaik untuk tidur berkualitas dan kesehatan. Simak ulasan selengkapnya!
Desain dapur akan beralih dari warna netral ke palet warna berani seperti biru tua, hijau zamrud atau merah marun. Warna-warna cerah ... Pencahayaan kreatif seperti lampu gantung artistik atau LED ...
Regularly using one of the best LED face masks is often a no-brainer for devoted beauty enthusiasts. Along with boosting glow and evening skin tone, these high-tech devices are also key for ...
LED light strips are long circuit boards with surface-mount device light-emitting diodes (SMD LEDs) that can be stuck almost anywhere you want extra illumination. They’re commonly used as ...
Read more here. Maybe you’ve seen an influencer gliding an illuminated red wand across their face or a glowing Jason-like mask on a beauty-savvy friend — these are LED (light-emitting diode ...
First, there are two Panasonic models available: the W95A mini-LED QLED TV, reviewed here, and the Z95A OLED TV. And while I am personally very excited to review the OLED, more folks are likely to ...
Ajak keluarga menghias pohon Natal bersama-sama agar suasana Natal semakin meriah. Berikut rekomendasi hiasan pohon Natal ...
It's always important to have good lighting, but some spaces require a little extra -- and that's why you should have an LED floodlight bulb. To name a few places that would benefit from one ...