City Attorney Collin Bogener said that under this ordinance, digital signs are only allowed in commercial zones and can not ...
For corporate environments, AI can instantly revise meeting room schedules or display urgent company announcements. When ...
A rise in food prices makes for a less than merry holiday season. Grocery prices rose 0.4% in November, according to the ...
Even though Andrew M. Serrato has enjoyed his job as a sign maker, he has always held onto a promise to himself that when the ...
Tallinn is considering banning illuminated advertisements on the sides of streets, as they can distract drivers and increase ...
Free publication includes fascinating features and bylined articles which take a deep dive into digital signage, with ...
Oh, and don't miss the snorkel on the passenger side. The snorkel, also known as a raised air intake, moves the air intake ...
Palmer Digital Group, a full-service supplier and installer of indoor and outdoor digital kiosks, drive-thru digital menu ...