Two bills against acts relative to sexual assaults by adults in positions of authority or trust are on the docket for this year’s legislative session. SD 1367 and HD 2209, if passed in the legislature ...
Norman Public Schools is taking a new step to support its employees next school year. The district launched a new resource ...
We caught up with the artist to discuss her works in “Silent Music” at Hauser & Wirth, her approach to abstraction and the ...
Austrian filmmaker Ulrike Kofler has made a name for herself as an editor on Marie Kreutzer's 'Corsage' and other movies. Her second feature as a director is screening at the Glasgow Film Festival.
Attributing a work to the artist generally requires authentication by the Van Gogh Museum, but lawsuits and an influx of ...
Works by Velázquez, Titian and Picasso were offered at the fair, as well as a sculpture thought to be modelled by ...
Elon Musk’s EV company is struggling as he plunges into politics. Robyn Denholm, the Australian chair of Tesla, is thriving ...
A lawsuit against New York alleging sexual abuse decades ago was tossed out by the state's top court Tuesday because it lacked specific information, drawing criticism from advocates ...
The L.A. County fires have taken a traumatic toll on kids. The distress is coming out in their art and play, and it is ...
It’s all about loss of control and the unknown, and life on other planets is a great unknown… And I feel like that uncertainty, that unknown with an alien abduction story goes very well with all the ...
Bristol Community College has a new exhibit honoring 1.5 million child victims of the Nazis, with plans for a permanent ...