The jumbo isopod has been named Bathynomus vaderi because its carapaced cranium resembles Darth Vader’s iconic helmet from ...
Kylo Ren's new comic series Legacy of Vader is going to take the time to remind you that deep down, Anakin Skywalker always ...
During the Dark Droids story arc, Vader’s circuitry became infected by an AI hivemind called the Scourge, which temporarily took over Darth Vader’s suit and added him to its established hivemind.
Everyone reading is familiar with the classic scene in The Empire Strikes Back in which Darth Vader betrays Boba ...
[Tobias Bartusch] has made his own Nixie tube, and instead of numerals it contains a 3D model of [Darth Vader], complete with moving light saber. Suddenly the world of Nixies is interesting again.
The foot-long crustacean has been named Bathynomus vaderi and sports a head that resembles the iconic helmet of Darth Vader from the Star Wars. It is the first giant sea bug discovered in ...