Cleveland City Council is asking the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to get the word out to voters now to make sure residents know where to vote on election day.
Big changes are on the way to Cleveland’s Old Brooklyn neighborhood to help revitalize the area. But some residents are ...
The voting locations for more than 70,000 voters were changed by elections officials after the city redrew its ward maps.
The poll asks whether voters approve of Blaine Griffin and Justin Bibb. It also tests the popularity of Cleveland City ...
These Cedar Point, Ohio tips will make sure you have an amazing time at the Roller Coaster Capital of the World!
Cleveland’s historic Bulkley Building just finished an impressive renovation that converted four floors into 84 apartments.
As crypto grows in popularity, so do Bitcoin ATMs. Sightings may point to a link between physical and digital assets, but beware of BTM scams.
We have the workforce, we have the quality of life, we have the history, but we have the ability to create a space industry ...
M federal transportation grant for Akron Innerbelt project is under review by Trump administration. Mayor Shammas Malik is ...
According to press releases, Cedar Road from Lee Road to Goodnor Road will be closed because the burned building poses a ...
It's officially spring in Ohio. So what can we expect in the coming months? Here's what the National Weather Service, Old ...
Headlands Beach State Park ranked third on a list of 100 places to jump in cold water during late winter or early spring.