Vivid Photonics, a spin-out company from Tyndall National Institute and IPIC, the Research Ireland Centre for Photonics, has ...
A global research team led by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) has made a breakthrough in ...
Lumotive's $45M raise for chip scale light management enables solid-state, software definable LiDAR. Integration with CMOS ...
A new study by researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign describes a breakthrough in the field of organic ...
Nothing's new Phone 3A and 3A Pro are for those yearning for an alternative to what's offered by smartphone heavyweights.
US perovskite company Tandem PV has raised US$50 million in Series A funding and debt. Tandem PV claimed the investment will ...
Tandem PV, a perovskite solar panels developer, has raised $50m in Series A funding and debt to build a US manufacturing ...