Bond set at $1 million for Samuel Shank, who is accused of fatally shooting Vietnam War veteran Phillip Harris, 75, at Old Landmark Tavern.
A Canton man, 35, is charged with attempted murder, accused of hitting a woman in the head and arm with a large machete.
A rather absurd court case has begun at the Municipal Court in Kiseljak. The Prosecutor’s Office of the Central Bosnia Canton ...
CANTON— Sherri Snyder, a local court clerk and real estate broker has thrown her hat in the ring for the role of Canton town ...
A 40-year-old Canton man is accused of lighting a boardwalk bridge on fire at Sippo Lake Park on Tuesday morning and heavily ...
Bloomington rat rescue Pipsqueakery assists Canton OH as hundreds of rats and other animals were rescued from what officials ...
Billy Jack Park, 45, was arrested on March 5 and was charged with seven counts of prohibitions concerning companion animals in Canton Municipal Court. One day later, Kristie Hatton, 41 ...
LISBON — In Columbiana County Municipal Court, a pretrial was set March 13 for David L. Saunders, 47, Canton, charged with possessing criminal tools, soliciting and illegal use or possession of ...
SW. rat house Her partner, a 45-year-old man, was arraigned Friday in Canton Municipal Court on seven counts of prohibitions concerning companion animals. Magistrate Christy M. Pierson set his ...
SW. Her partner, a 45-year-old man, was arraigned Friday in Canton Municipal Court on seven counts of prohibitions concerning companion animals. Magistrate Christy M. Pierson set his bond at $50,000, ...