The two vehicles are driven at a wall painted to resemble the road continuing ahead—an optical illusion, of sorts, familiar to anyone who grew up watching cartoons on Saturday mornings.
A utomakers the world over are all working on improved advanced driver aids and even autonomous driving. The approaches to ...
The fluorescent lights illuminate a vast landscape that stretches before you like an uncharted territory on a treasure map. This isn’t the carefully curated, Instagram-ready vintage shop that’s become ...
Beyond the treasures and bargains, Family Thrift Center Outlet serves an important community function. It provides affordable ...
His job is instrumental in creating a digital road map for its driver-assist technology to navigate ... and is capable of ...
His job is instrumental in creating a digital road map for its driver-assist technology ... and is capable of doing much more than basic systems used by construction crews or golfers trying ...
However, he noted basic road repair projects compete with big projects such as widening I-25 in recent decades and the $800 million project to straighten I-70 at Floyd Hill west of Denver.
More than a billion people use Google Maps to help them navigate their world every month. If you own a smartphone, the odds ...
Your favorite song sounds better in the car. Nevertheless, there’s an art to making the perfect mix for a road trip: You want some songs that are all about forward motion, propelling you down ...
Live coverage on KTLA 5, KTLA+ and begins at 6 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. View an interactive map of the road closures below. Tap here for full screen. Hosted by the McCourt Foundation ...
Ross Macdonald’s “The Underground Man” is exquisitely attuned to the Californian landscape—how it rises, falls, smells, and, most indelible of all, how it burns.