This year, the Iditarod saw both a historic anniversary and the marked impact of climate change. Writer Lale Arikoglu follows ...
Though sparsely inhabited, the Arctic covers 40 per cent of the Canadian land mass, stretching over nearly four million ...
Deployed soldiers are constantly loaded with gear, but nowhere more so than when operating in a cold weather environment.In ...
From the snow snake game to the pop scramble and snowshoe races, the Dena Games celebrated Dena culture in Fairbanks this ...
Jessie Holmes, Matt Hall and Paige Drobny have jockeyed for first for much of the race, leapfrogging one another on the trail ...
That means people who ski, snowmobile, snowshoe or enjoy other winter backcountry activities ... Lundy said is highly unlikely the helicopter that dropped off the skiers in Alaska’s backcountry ...
By Natalia Weichsel A swarm of troops dressed in white and wearing snowshoes glide across a frozen valley. Suddenly they stop ...
the Dena Stick Pull and Snowshoe Races. The Dena Games are open to anyone in the community who wishes to compete. This is in ...
Why would hundreds of people trek overnight through the wilderness with nothing but a compass? Because it’s the best feeling ...
During the wet season, nearby Lake Okeechobee spills over and flows into the Everglades. Water flows southward through ...
The outing, which featured beaver facts, squirrel holes and a walk in the woods, was organized by a family mentor through ...