Christina Martin, an advocacy leader for Louisiana Developmental Disability Council's Advocacy Network, relies on Medicaid for herself, her daughter, who has a rare chromosome disorder and autism, and her father, a 56-year-old liver transplant patient.
The stakes are particularly high for Louisiana, which has one of the highest per-capita percentages of residents on Medicaid — more than a third of them. The program pays for health care for pregnant women, children, elderly, disabled, and working adults who rely on the state-federal healthcare insurance.
Louisiana’s reliance on federal funds for half of the state budget leaves it vulnerable as President Donald Trump and congressional leaders push for substantial cuts in federal spending.
March deadline to avoid a partial government shutdown, and hesitation is surfacing among congressional Republicans about potential cuts to Medicaid.
An investigation revealed that Community Health allegedly created a scheme to defraud the Medicaid program by offering financial incentives to Medicaid recipients in exchange for their patient information.
Ahead of the scheduled vote today, critics of the budget have warned that should the budget get approved, it would result in the "gutting" of Medicaid.
In its 60 years, Medicaid has swelled from a small program that provided medical care to poor Americans receiving cash assistance to the largest source of public insurance. It covers 72 million Americans, about one-fifth of the population. It pays for about half of all nursing care in the United States, and 40 percent of all births.
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) unveiled today the new Central Louisiana State Hospital (CLSH) in Pineville with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
“We’re not going to touch it. Now, we are going to look for fraud,” Trump said Wednesday when asked about Medicaid. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) echoed that goal. Democrats are ...
In one way, Tuesday night was a major victory for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana ... political heartache for Republicans. Because: Medicaid. As the vote was succeeding, scores of ...
Uncertainty is growing among Louisiana’s many families who rely on Medicaid for health insurance. The federal government is considering how to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from the budget ...
would harm our ability to provide lifesaving care for Medicaid patients across Louisiana,” said Ryan Cross, vice president for government affairs at the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady ...