Precision ag practice reshapes land topography to optimize the distribution of irrigation water across an orchard.
Colony Collapse Disorder never really went away; reports of widespread honey bee colony losses are increasing.
Greenleaf Technologies announces the release of an updated and expanded version of its popular NozzleCalc app.
PivotPoint Business Solutions has launched the 2nd State of Succession and Exit Planning survey to provide horticulture operations with insights to plan ahead.
A larger base of organic growers producing more selections is contributing to organic price declines. Certified organic ...
NOAA’s spring outlook says above-average temperatures are likely across much of the U.S., including locations that recently ...
As the group of controlled environment agriculture crops expands, so do business opportunities for growers. Here are tips for ...
The USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Program enables farmers to verify and refine important food safety practices.
Ladybugs, though popular, were surprising underachievers in pear orchards. Of the 38 collected, only 17% had spider mite DNA ...
Not only is there a record high amount of fruit available, he said, but there are 10 million gallons of bulk wine going ...
Scientists at UC Riverside take unique path to weed control by triggering parasitic plant ‘suicide’ to help farmers.
California Walnut Commission secures funding through USDA's Market Access Program. Find out where the sector is setting its ...