As of publication, the scholarship webpage has been restored and the dates for the scholarship labelled as “TBC”, with a note ...
On 28 November, Students Against War held a rally outside the Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) ‘New Contemporaries’ Graduate ...
I have been brushing my hair dry every day for years, I have been walking around looking like Hagrid,” Lexi spouts daily.
After a familiar wait for quorum, the last Students’ Representative Council (SRC) meeting of 2024 began at 6:49pm.
Organisers cited Australia’s endorsement of the 1947 United Nations (UN) Partition Plan and the “ongoing political alignment ...
If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be? I chose seven strangers on a Wednesday in Marrickville.
We had the opportunity to be one of the first to see the film, and were the first people to interview the powerful duo, Vic ...
Before her role as ReachOut Australia’s Director of Operations, Jancu was UNSW’s Scholarship Manager and served on the ...
Bring an esky and come with your friends,” Patrick encouraged. “Come for the laughs but also for the community.” ...
In part two of my interview with filmmakers who competed in the 2024 Australian Women’s Film Festival (AWFF), I talk to the ...
Documents released after a Freedom of Information (FOI) request was submitted by members of Students Against War (SAW) have ...
Shoes were placed around the square to symbolise every woman who was murdered in an act of violence since late last year, ...