You’ve probably seen the image known as "the sleepy Mexican," a man wearing a Sombrero, sitting down with his knees in his chest, sleeping. It’s been used over the years to portray a negative ...
New research by ASM's Associate Director, Dr. James T. Watson, was just published by the University of Utah Press in Reassessing the Aztatlán World: Ethnogenesis and Cultural Continuity in Northwest ...
Researchers are finding chimpanzees have more in common with humans that was previously thought. Jacob Negrey (SoA Assistant Professor) discusses how chimpanzees transition to old age and how that ...
David Killick and Frances Hayashida (2022). Copper smelting and refining in the Pampa de Chaparrí, Lambayeque, Peru,ca. 1030–1180 cal AD. Journal of Archaeological ...
The objectives of the lab include the detailed study of ancient cities and sanctuaries using modern methodologies and techniques including digital cartography, GIS, spatial analysis and remote sensing ...
2015 Applying Anthropology to Develop University-Affiliated Childcare Centers. Practicing Anthropology 37(1):46-49. 2014 Textile Traditions, Gender and Social Capital in Non-State Societies: A Case ...
I am an archaeologist interested in the evolution and cultural transmission of human technological and social behavior. I study Pleistocene and Early Holocene stone tool technologies from the Levant, ...
Dr. Mamadou serves as the chair of BARA (Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology) which is responsible for many successes in research and outreach presences in sub-Saharan Africa. He is an ...
Vance Holliday is both an archaeologist and geologist who has spent much of his career reconstructing and interpreting the landscapes and environments in which past societies lived, and how these ...
I am a socio-cutural and medical anthropologist. In my scholarship I draw on insights garnered from over two decades of field-based research that has centered on multi-dimensional aspects of violence, ...
The University of Arizona has a long legacy of anthropological research in the Southwest region that spans all subfields of anthropology and involves numerous other campus units. This theme promotes ...
Rebecca Harkness graduated from Arizona State University Barrett, the Honors College with a BA in Anthropology and a Minor in History. After Undergrad, she galivanted off to Tokyo where she taught ...