The inflation rate in Austria has noticeably slowed down in the last year, despite significant price fluctuations in individual products, according to a study by, which compared the ...
Due to the complex election situation, an extended government formation was predictable. After 96 days, the negotiations between ÖVP, SPÖ and NEOS failed with the withdrawal of the NEOS.
Following the dog attack on a girl and her Chihuahua last October in Bad Ischl (Upper Austria), the Wels public prosecutor's office has dropped the case of negligent bodily harm against the owner.
From January 13th to 26th, there are many new film and series premieres on streaming platforms Netflix, Disney+, Sky, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+ and Paramount+. Here is an overview of all the ...
The ÖVP officially enters coalition negotiations with the FPÖ. This was agreed upon in a discussion between the party leaders on Thursday, both sides announced in the evening.
During a dispute on Saturday in a local establishment in Vienna-Ottakring, a man pulled out his blank-firing gun and threatened both his acquaintance and an employee.
Nach dem Auslaufen des Transitvertrags zwischen Russland und der Ukraine kommt das Gas vorwiegend via Deutschland nach Österreich, so Daten des Verbands Europäischer Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber ...
Die ÖVP hat "befremdet" auf die Äußerungen der FPÖ-Abgeordneten Stefan und Tschank über die Volkspartei und die EU reagiert, die sie laut "Standard" als "jämmerlich" und als Institution, aus ...
The Vienna Greens claim that salt is being unlawfully spread near trees and green spaces in Vienna. They have taken samples from various locations and are now calling for checks and a tightening ...
Der Name ist Programm: "Caveman", Höhlenmensch, heißt die neue Komödie mit Moritz Bleibtreu, Laura Tonke, Martina Hill und Wotan Wilke Möhring, die auf einem Theaterstück basiert. Bleibtreu ...