When it starts taking scientific data in 2028, the Square Kilometre Array Observatory promises to be the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. But as Sarah Wild discovers, its ...
Firefly Aerospace claim to be the first commercial company to achieve a ‘fully successful soft-landing on the Moon’.
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Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World ...
Stiffer, more robust device developed in response to customer demand, says UHV Design engineering director Jonty Eyres ...
Proton arc therapy offers a superior dose distribution compared with existing state-of-the-art proton delivery techniques ...
Access more than 20 years of online content Manage which e-mail newsletters you want to receive Read about the big breakthroughs and innovations across 13 scientific topics Explore the key issues and ...
According to their model, if they changed the magnitude of various parameters, they should be able to rescale the curves so that they essentially collapse onto a single curve. “This makes our ...
Optimizing office environments Infrared sensors that measure mean radiant temperature better reflect the heat levels that individuals perceive. (Courtesy: iStock/AntonioGuillem) The internal ...
Globular springtails (Dicyrtomina minuta) are small bugs about five millimetres long that can be seen crawling through leaf litter and garden soil. While they do not have wings and cannot fly, they ...
As physicists, we like to think that physics and politics are – indeed, ought to be – unconnected. And a lot of the time, that’s true. Certainly, the value of the magnetic moment of the muon or the ...