Efforts by the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department, supported by additional local fire departments, successfully put out the fire. The department got everyone out safely including all firefighters.
Lease has worked as a full-time employee of the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department for 15 years and he currently is a lieutenant. He says working for Wisconsin Rapids as well as being the Port ...
WISCONSIN RAPIDS − Benjamin Goodreau is Wisconsin Rapids' new fire chief. The Police and Fire Commission announced its appointment of Goodreau to the position following its meeting Friday.
the cause of the fire has not been identified. Grand Rapids, Port Edwards, Nekoosa, Rome, and Wisconsin Rapids, plus Wisconsin Rapids Fire/Ambulance and Saratoga first responders all assisted.
WISCONSIN RAPIDS − Benjamin Goodreau is Wisconsin Rapids' new fire chief. Wisconsin Rapids Fire Chief Benjamin Goodreau The Police and Fire Commission announced its appointment of Goodreau to ...